Dienstag, 22. September 2015


Last week I went to a skitrip with year 12 and to be honest it was such a good time.
I still feel a little bit overwhelmed.
The skitrip started on sunday morning with a long drive to Mt. Ruhapeu, one of three or four vulcanos and biggest mountains with 2500 m on the Northisland.
We stayed in a lodge on the mountain which was pretty awesome cause we could ski to it every day and it felt snugly ;)
One day there was a Laha warning which is like a hot mud avalanche coming from the top but it was only for practice.
We had three amazing sunny days but the last two days were dotchy and foggy and so i tried Snowboarding for my first time which was so good.
I did not expect that it works so good for my first time.

Video of the Skitrip:
Hope you like it  

In addition to this I had beautiful waves today and i went surfing with my mates and tomorrow
I am going to get up at 5:30am to surf with my buddy before school.

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